Manicure Benefits

Clear coat nail polish on a beautiful hand.

A manicure is a beauty treatment for the hands.  A professional manicure includes nail shaping, cuticle care, and lotions designed to exfoliate your skin. The primary purpose of a manicure is to maintain the hand’s overall health. It includes some basic steps that results in clean and healthy hands.

  • Healthy Nails — With regular manicures, the chances of your nails developing fungi and other infections are reduced.  It’s a good idea to have a deep cleaning to remove dead skin cells from your hands. That encourages new cell growth, leaving your nails stronger and healthier.
  • Skin Care   Winter can be harsh on your skin. With regular manicures during these months you can help to keep your skin and cuticles  soft and smooth. If you don’t take care of your hands, you may experience dry, cracked skin that can be very painful.
  • Cleanliness  Clean hands and nails are important for your image. People will judge you for many reasons.  Chipped nail polish or dirty nails will tell a story about you and can certainly make or break that important job or event you are working hard to get.
  • Relaxation  Relieve your stress and spend some quality time at your favorite salon and you will notice the difference not only in your hands but also in your mood. It’s a great addition to a girl’s day out.
  • Fashion Fashion is all around us, TV, magazines, movies and most commonly the internet. Having a trusted nail technician to help you re-create that new trendy look will ensure that you have the perfect nails to show all of your friends and family!